Is A Bridge Or Implant Right For You?

Posted on: 29 December 2016

In the past, your options for handling a missing tooth were fairly limited. However, advances in dentistry mean that you have more options, including dental implants and bridges. Which option you choose is based on your preferences and other factors. To help you determine whether or not a bridge or implant is right for you, here are some pros and cons to consider.  Why Should You Opt for a Bridge?
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2 Reasons To See A Cosmetic Dentist For Teeth Whitening

Posted on: 8 December 2016

One of the biggest mistakes that many people make when attempting to whiten their teeth is to rely solely on home whitening kits they picked up at their local grocery or department store. The reason that this is a major mistake is that many of the home whitening kits are not able to provide the same level of treatment as a cosmetic dentist. Listed below are two reasons to see a cosmetic dentist for your teeth whitening needs.
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You're Brushing Your Teeth—But Are You Cleaning Your Tongue?

Posted on: 22 November 2016

Your parents probably taught you to brush your teeth twice a day when you were younger. Most people do a pretty decent job of adhering to this standard—at least most of the time. But there is another aspect of maintaining oral health that you might be neglecting: brushing your tongue. Keeping your tongue clean is almost as important as cleaning your teeth themselves. Why is it important to keep your tongue clean?
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Pregnant And Need Dental Care? Know What Procedures Are Safe

Posted on: 31 October 2016

Women that are pregnant should still be visiting a dentist for their semi-annual checkups, since the changes their bodies undergo can lead to issues with their gums. Plaque can build up due to the gums not firmly gripping the teeth, which can cause issues with gum disease and decay. While checkups are important, know that not all dental procedures are safe for pregnant women, or should only be performed if necessary.
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