Why You Can't Stop Wearing Clear Aligners Early (Even When You Think They've Done Their Job)

Posted on: 29 June 2023

Clear aligners can correct a wide range of orthodontic concerns—often with surprising speed. Everyone's treatment time is different, but the principle is the same for everyone. Each tray shifts your teeth by around .25 to .33 millimeters—which clearly isn't very far. But after anywhere from one to two weeks, you'll change the tray as sufficient bone remodeling has occurred, and the tray cannot reposition your teeth any further. What is this bone remodeling and what should you do if your teeth move into the correct alignment earlier than you might have expected?

How Bone Remodeling Moves Teeth

Bone remodeling is how orthodontic treatment works. The aligner trays apply light pressure across the entire dental arch at the same time. Teeth are connected to their dental sockets, which are in turn connected to the jaw via ultra-strong periodontal ligaments, which contain collagen fibers. The pressure applied by the aligner trays repositions the teeth, and the bone remodels itself to accommodate this movement. Existing bone matter gently dissolves as the tooth moves, as new bone matter simultaneously grows to anchor the tooth's new position. 

Fully Adjusted

Bone remodeling progressively continues throughout the course of your treatment with clear aligners, until the teeth have been fully adjusted, with all concerns with spacing and overlapping (and general crookedness) having been corrected. However, it's not up to you to decide when this has happened.

Quicker Than Expected

Clear aligners can provide noticeable results quicker than you might expect. Some patients may see pronounced results in as little as six months. Due to these pleasing results, you might feel that your treatment has been successful. It's too soon to make this determination, and only your orthodontist can tell you when this has happened. Treatment time is predetermined, and while there can be some mild variations, it's usually non-negotiable. 

The Dangers of Stopping Treatment

You may complete treatment a little earlier than expected, or your treatment may need to be minimally prolonged, but the treatment time is typically accurately predicted. You should not discontinue treatment the moment you're pleased with the appearance of your smile. Early cessation of your treatment will lead to adverse results. Your teeth will attempt to rapidly revert to their former positions. Even after your prescribed treatment has formally ended, you will be directed to wear a retainer to maintain the effects of your aligners.  

Bone remodeling is a delicate process, and this work can be quickly undone if you should stop wearing your clear aligners ahead of schedule. 

For more info about clear aligners, contact a local company. 


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