An In-Depth Look At Mouthwash: Is It Really Good For Your Oral Health?

Posted on: 15 November 2019

You could be the type of person who uses mouthwash on a daily basis and never brushes without using it. Or, you could be one of those people who never uses mouthwash at all. Mouthwash is one of those dental care products that you can live with or without, but is it really a good part of your oral hygiene routine? Rinsing your mouth and gargling with a product that contains stuff that is good for your teeth is actually recommended by a lot of dental care service providers. Here is a look at some of the things you should know about using mouthwash on a regular basis. 

Mouthwash can help keep your teeth cleaner. 

When you swish mouthwash around in your mouth, it helps to loosen up any small particles of food that are trapped at the gum line, in between your teeth, and even on the back of your tongue. When you use mouthwash prior to brushing your teeth as you normally do, you will generally be able to remove more debris than usual. Not to mention, mouthwash helps to break down sticky plaque on the teeth to keep your teeth cleaner, free from stains, and less prone to cavities. 

Not every mouthwash you find is made the same. 

It is always best if you ask your dentist about what type of mouthwash you should be using. Not every mouthwash you find on the market is going to contain quality ingredients that are good for your teeth, gums, and mouth. For example, some mouthwash contains mostly just alcohol, which will definitely help kill germs but may not do much for plaque protection. Your dentist can give you a list of some of the best mouthwashes available, and they can even prescribe mouthwash that works well for certain oral health concerns. 

You must use mouthwash properly for it to be beneficial. 

Popping a swig of mouthwash in your mouth, swirling it once, and spitting it out is not going to do much more for your oral health than freshening your breath. Make sure you are following the usage instructions on the back of the bottle to actually reap the benefits that mouthwash can provide. Swishing for so many seconds is recommended to dislodge food particles and break up plaque on your teeth. Plus, some mouthwashes will only eradicate germs and bacteria if it is in your mouth for so long.

For more information, contact a local dental care service.


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