What Causes Habitual Bad Breath And How Can You Prevent It?

Posted on: 17 October 2019

Habitual bad breath, also called halitosis, is caused by a number of things. In some cases, the foods you eat can leave a scent in your mouth, causing bad breath. However, in other cases, you have a case of bad breath that seems to linger, even after you use mouthwash and brush and floss your teeth. Here are a few of the causes of habitual bad breath and what you can do to prevent it. 

Poor Oral Hygiene 

One of the main causes of habitual bad breath is poor oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice per day and routinely flossing correctly can help to remove lingering scents and bad smells or tastes in your mouth. If you are suffering from a cavity, tooth decay, or gum disease, you may also have halitosis. Working with a dentist to have your cavity filled or the decaying tooth removed can help to remove the scent and get your breath smelling as fresh as possible. 

Dry Mouth

Another possible cause of why you may be suffering from halitosis is dry mouth. The saliva in your mouth helps to fight germs and bacteria. Not only can this help to reduce tooth decay and illness, but it also keeps bad breath at bay. One of the ways you can combat dry mouth is to ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Chewing gum can also help to increase the amount of saliva in the mouth. If you suffer from dry mouth, try to avoid items such as caffeinated drinks and tobacco, which can increase the dryness in your mouth. 

Diets That Promote Ketosis

The final common reasons why you may be suffering from halitosis is because you are on a diet that puts your body into ketosis. The South Beach Diet and the keto diet are two examples of diets that promote ketosis. When your body is in this state, the ketones in your body that are being released can cause your breath to smell. Drink plenty of water, consider brushing your teeth more frequently, and try to eat foods, such as celery and apples, that are abrasive, as they brush plaque and other smelly residues off of your teeth and tongue. 

If you are suffering from halitosis, or bad breath that seems to always be around, you will want to schedule an appointment to be seen by your dentist. You may have a cavity or tooth decay that is causing the bad smell emitting from your mouth. If that is not the cause, the dentist can work to determine what the cause is and how you can solve it. Schedule an appointment with a dentist today. 


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