3 Reasons to Replace Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Posted on: 23 September 2019

When you lose a tooth as an adult, it is not going to grow back in. When you have to have an adult tooth pulled from your mouth, you don't want to leave a gap in your mouth. You are going to want to replace that pulled adult tooth with a dental implant. 

A dental implant is a false tooth which is attached to your jaw via a screw. There are a few reasons why you should consider getting a dental implant to replace the adult tooth that was pulled from your mouth.  

Reason #1: Restore Full-Function to Your Mouth

When you have a tooth missing from your mouth, it is more than uncomfortable. With a missing tooth, you are not going to be able to chew the same way you would with a full set of teeth. This is especially true if you had a molar pulled from your mouth.  

Not having a full set of teeth will also impact your ability to speak correctly. For example, if you have one of your front teeth pulled, that gap will impact how you sound.  

Getting a dental implant will allow you to chew and speak as you were before the tooth was pulled from your mouth. 

Reason #2: Protect the Health of Your Jawbone

When you have a tooth pulled, it impacts more than just that tooth. Your teeth are connected to your jawbone, and when you have a tooth pulled from your mouth, it impacts the health of your jawbone. When your tooth is removed from the jawbone, the jawbone starts to deteriorate due to the loss of the tooth roots in your jaw. The tooth roots actually stimulate the growth of your jaw bone.  

Getting a dental implant, which is drilled into your bone, will help stimulate the growth of your jaw bone again. This will help protect the health of your jaw bone as well as the other nearby teeth. 

Reason #3: Protect Your Other Teeth

Your teeth are designed to work together. They are not designed to work independently of each other. When you lose a tooth, eating is harder to do as your teeth work together to help you chew your food. With a giant gap in your mouth instead of a tooth, you'll have a hard time eating. Not only will you lack some of the strength in your mouth, more stress will be put on the rest of the teeth in your mouth every time you eat.  

Additionally, when you lose a tooth, it can impact your dental bite. When your dental bite is unbalanced, it can lead to issues such as jaw pain and excessive dental wear.  

If you are missing a tooth in your mouth, you are going to want to replace that missing tooth with a dental implant. This will help restore the full-function to your mouth and will protect the health of your jawbone. Contact a dentist near you to schedule your appointment.


Implants, Veneers and Bridges, Oh My!

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what many of the dental procedures that can correct an imperfect smile are. I had no idea what the implants, veneers and bridges that my dentist was talking about were. He had told me that I could renew my smile with a combination of these treatments and I did not effectively understand his explanations. I have gathered many facts about these dental procedures now to help others in the same situation make the decision to go through with receiving the dental treatment they need for a strong, healthy, beautiful smile.

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