Sedation Dentistry And Temporary Dentures – Taking Some Fear Out Of Extractions

Posted on: 23 May 2019

Getting the news that you'll need to have several teeth extracted to protect your health can hit you like a brick. Not only do you worry about the procedure to extract the teeth, but you also worry about what you'll look like when you leave the dentist's chair. Here, you'll find out how this all doesn't have to be bad – with the option of sedation dentistry and a temporary denture, your fears can be lifted.

Sedation Dentistry

Who doesn't love to take a nap? Well, with sedation dentistry, you go to the dentist, take a nap and when you wake up, everything is done. This can be the solution to the fears that you're facing about having an extraction. The truth is, many people find that the procedure is far less uncomfortable than what your brain is telling you. Yes, it will be uncomfortable as you recover, but getting through the extraction surgery itself is can be the hardest part for many patients.

Temporary Denture

A temporary denture looks and feels a lot like a permanent denture – the only real difference is that it isn't made with all of the careful details that permanent dentures have. A temporary denture impression is taken well before your extraction surgery – weeks in advance. Then, the dentist takes that impression and creates a denture plate that is as close to a perfect fit as possible.

When you go for your extraction surgery, you'll take the temporary denture with you. After the teeth have been extracted and the stitches are in place, the denture will be positioned over your gums. This is where it will remain until you return to the dentist for a post-op exam. At that point, he will remove the denture, check your stitches and ensure that your mouth is healing well.

The temporary denture will help with your looks when you leave, but it will also help to minimize swelling, bleeding and discomfort. You'll be able to eat much more comfortably and you'll have a better range of foods that you can eat – you'll want to maintain a soft-food diet for several days, but you won't have to worry about anything bumping a stitch loose while your mouth heals.

Talk with your dentist to learn more about how sedation dentistry and a temporary denture can improve the experience of having multiple teeth extracted. He or she will work with you to come up with a treatment plan that's suitable for you.


Implants, Veneers and Bridges, Oh My!

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what many of the dental procedures that can correct an imperfect smile are. I had no idea what the implants, veneers and bridges that my dentist was talking about were. He had told me that I could renew my smile with a combination of these treatments and I did not effectively understand his explanations. I have gathered many facts about these dental procedures now to help others in the same situation make the decision to go through with receiving the dental treatment they need for a strong, healthy, beautiful smile.

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