Why Remove Wisdom Teeth To Prevent Impaction?

Posted on: 2 October 2018

Do you have wisdom teeth coming in, but they are growing under the gum line? If so, you may be wondering why these teeth need to be removed. One of the major problems that can happen with wisdom teeth is dental impaction, where the teeth grow and force their way against other teeth in your mouth. Here are some reasons why you should have your wisdom teeth removed when they are impacted.

Prevent Nerve Damage

Wisdom teeth that are impacted run the risk of causing damage or inflammation to cranial nerves. This means it can lead to pinching, tingling, numbness, or burning sensations in the area. You may also experience vision problems, disruptions to your sense of smell, and the diminished taste buds. Experiencing these symptoms is a good reason to actually visit your dentist and look into if your wisdom teeth are causing the problem.

Be aware that nerve damage symptoms may continue to persist after the impacted wisdom teeth have been removed. That is why you do not want to wait for symptoms to worsen. It will result in needing to visit a neurologist to treat the nerve disorder problems you are experiencing if they do not resolve themselves after fixing the problem with impacted teeth.

Prevent Infection

It's possible for bacteria to develop in a wisdom tooth socket if it's impacted but partially erupted through the gums. That is because bacteria is collecting in a place that is very difficult to brush. In some situations, bacteria can cause pus to form, which leads to a serious systemic infection.

One warning sign to watch out for is an odd taste inside your mouth. You may even have a fever or have a throat that feels really sore. You can also feel tired, weak, achy, or dizzy. Be sure to visit your dentist if this is happening to you with impacted teeth, since it may be due to an infection. You'll be given antibiotics to treat it, a dental cleaning, and a recommendation to remove the wisdom teeth causing you problems.

Prevent Crowding

When teeth push up against other teeth, it will lead to dental crowding. This can ruin the orthodontic work that you had as a teenager since teeth will shift to make room for the impacted teeth. Crowding can also close gaps between your teeth, making it harder to keep that part of your mouth clean when compared to how it was before.

For more information, contact a company like Milner Dentistry.


Implants, Veneers and Bridges, Oh My!

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what many of the dental procedures that can correct an imperfect smile are. I had no idea what the implants, veneers and bridges that my dentist was talking about were. He had told me that I could renew my smile with a combination of these treatments and I did not effectively understand his explanations. I have gathered many facts about these dental procedures now to help others in the same situation make the decision to go through with receiving the dental treatment they need for a strong, healthy, beautiful smile.

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