Afraid Of The Dentist? Tips On Oral Sedation Dentistry

Posted on: 4 September 2018

It is important to see the dentist twice a year to get a dental cleaning and a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. If you are afraid of the dentist, you may not get the proper treatment you need. To help with this, you can choose oral sedation dentistry. Oral sedation is offering you a type of medication that can make you very sleepy and help you feel relaxed. This will help you feel much better during any type of dental treatment, such as getting a dental filling, root canal, and more. Below are some tips on oral sedation to help you decide if you would like to do this. 

What You Need to Tell Your Dentist

Before you have oral sedation, your dentist will ask you many questions. For example, the dentist will need to know what medications you take for the health conditions you are being treated for. Take a list of all medications you are currently taking, as well as the dosage amount each day.

If you have had any type of orthopedic surgery, such as knee replacement, shoulder replacement, etc., tell the dentist as they may subscribe antibiotics you need to take before you go to the dentist. This is because if the dentist cuts anywhere in your mouth, this may cause an infection and the infection could build up in the area you had surgery.

Types of Oral Sedation

There are different types of oral sedation. One type is a medication that you can take yourself. If you choose this, the doctor will prescribe a medication that you can take before you go to the dentist. If you choose this, however, you cannot drive yourself as you will start feeling sleepy. The medication may be given to you at the dentist office. One type of medication you place under your tongue, and the pill will dissolve. Another type you will swallow like normal medications.

Another type of oral sedation is breathing in nitrous oxide. The dentist will place a mask over your nose. The nitrous oxide then comes through the mask and into your throat. You will immediately feel very relaxed and a little sleepy. The dentist will control how much nitrous oxide that you get as it does wear off, so the dentist can keep you relaxed until the procedure is over.

Your dentist can give you much more information about oral sedation therapy.


Implants, Veneers and Bridges, Oh My!

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what many of the dental procedures that can correct an imperfect smile are. I had no idea what the implants, veneers and bridges that my dentist was talking about were. He had told me that I could renew my smile with a combination of these treatments and I did not effectively understand his explanations. I have gathered many facts about these dental procedures now to help others in the same situation make the decision to go through with receiving the dental treatment they need for a strong, healthy, beautiful smile.

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