In Pain From A Root Canal? 5 Ways You Can Get Relief Fast Without Medication

Posted on: 1 November 2015

After you have a root canal, you will likely experience some lingering dull pain as well as some sharp pain, especially when biting down or eating. You may also experience sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages. Your doctor will likely give you pain medications to deal with these symptoms. You may also be able to take over-the-counter medications. However, medication is sometimes not enough. You may have to do more. Following are 5 home remedies that will help you get rid of root canal pain without taking more medication. 

Ice Pack

Localized swelling may place pressure on your tooth, resulting in increased pain. To alleviate pain and swelling, you can place a cold compress, ice pack or cold washcloth directly on your cheek in the area where the procedure occurred. Leave the compress on for 5 minutes. You can repeat the process every 15 minutes until you feel better. 

Saltwater Rinse

Swishing your mouth with saltwater is a great way to alleviate oral pain. For this method, place 1 tablespoon of salt in warm water. Gargle and swish the saltwater around in your mouth for as long as possible. You can rinse your mouth out with saltwater several times per day. 

Liquid Diet

While you should always eat soft foods right after a root canal, you might be in too much pain to eat even the softest foods. If you're experiencing a great deal of pain when you eat, try a liquid diet. Juice, nutrition shakes and milk are all great options. However, you may want to let them warm up a little before drinking them because they can make your pain worse if they're too cold. 

Head Elevation

Avoid bending over, as it may make your tooth thump and throb worse. To ease the throbbing, elevate your head with a pillow. In addition to elevating your head during the day, you may want to sleep with an extra pillow to keep your tooth from throbbing in the middle of the night. 

Cucumber Compress

Although it may sound weird, placing a cucumber on the affected tooth can help ease pain associated with a root canal. For this remedy, all you have to do is place the cucumber on the tooth for a few minutes. Again, make sure the cucumber isn't too cold, as it could make the pain worse. 

As you can see, there are several home remedies that you can try to alleviate pain associated with a root canal. In addition to following your doctor's orders and taking all medications, try one or more of these home remedies to keep your pain at bay. Contact your dentist--like one from Family Dentistry Of Woodstock--for more information.


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