How To Deal With Numbness After A Dental Procedure

Posted on: 27 January 2015

Did your visit to the dentist include procedures such as a filling, root canal or extraction? If so, you may have been given a local anesthetic to block any discomfort. If the numbness causes you frustration when trying to talk or eat, here are some suggestions to help you deal with the numbness: 

Understand local anesthesia: The anesthetic will numb the affected area up to two hours, but could also affect your tongue, lips and face for up to five hours after the injection. Knowing when the numbness will disappear will help you reduce your stress levels. By realizing that it is just a temporary effect, you'll be able worry less about how it will affect your life.  

Discuss medications beforehand: There are some medications that are available that slow the effects of the anesthesia. After the procedure is completed, your dentist can inject this medicine near the anesthetized area,  causing the numbness to dissipate about twice as fast as it would normally. However, you may not be a good candidate for this medication if your dental procedure involved bone or soft tissue pain, because the local anesthesia will provide prolonged relief in these situations. Additionally, your dentist can advise you as to whether or not these medications are covered by your insurance or if they will be an out-of-pocket expense. 

Try massage: Gently rub your face, making small circles with the tips of your fingers. Focus on your cheeks and jaw so that you lightly stimulate the area. If you feel up to it, treat yourself to a full professional massage of your neck or back. It will help relax any muscle tension caused by the procedure and improve the blood flow to your head. 

Get physical: If your dentist says it's safe for you to exert yourself, plan to participate in a physical activity. Take your dog for a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Join a class and do some yoga stretching. Even cleaning your house can get your heart pumping so that your blood moves the anesthesia away from your mouth and starts to metabolize it and break it down.

Indulge in a nap: Before you head to the dentist, create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom so that it will be ready when you return. Use bed sheets as blackout curtains, hanging them temporarily over your existing bedroom drapery. Buy a new pair of your favorite pajamas, unwrap them and have them ready to wear as soon as you come home. Use LED candles with built in timers to create a soothing flickering light as you doze off. 

Talk with a dentist, such as Dr. Frederick Guerra, for more suggestions about how to handle numbness after a dentist visit. 


Implants, Veneers and Bridges, Oh My!

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what many of the dental procedures that can correct an imperfect smile are. I had no idea what the implants, veneers and bridges that my dentist was talking about were. He had told me that I could renew my smile with a combination of these treatments and I did not effectively understand his explanations. I have gathered many facts about these dental procedures now to help others in the same situation make the decision to go through with receiving the dental treatment they need for a strong, healthy, beautiful smile.

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